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BBC Video News with Caption
November 10, 2006
November 10 2006
November 9, 2006
November 8, 2006
November 8, 2006
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10 November 2006
Terror alert at airport
The UK security service MI5 knows of 30 terror plots and has 1,600 people under surveillance, its chief says.

Washington's UN envoy, John Bolton, looks likely to lose his job after the Democrats' victory in mid-term polls.
A hurricane-like storm, two-thirds the diameter of earth, rages on Saturn, the first seen on another planet.
10 November 2006
Democrat James Webb
Democrats gain the final seat in the battle for the US Senate, sealing their victory in both houses of Congress.

Munich's Jews get a new central synagogue, 68 years after the Nazis destroyed its predecessor.
Climbing over the Berlin Wall 1989: Celebrations as Berlin Wall falls
Nearly three decades of separation is over

Germany's neo-Nazi revival


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