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BBC Video News with Caption
October10, 2006
October 9, 2006
October 6, 2006
October 5, 2006
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10 October 2006
South Korean protester burns picture of N Korean leader Kim Jong-il 9/10/06
China calls for "appropriate" UN action after North Korea's nuclear test claim and refuses to rule out sanctions.

Sixty bodies are found scattered across the Iraqi capital Baghdad, as a car bomb kills 10 people.
A series of human errors caused Cyprus's worst airline disaster in which 121 died, the inquiry report concludes.
9 October 2006
Japan's Meteorological Agency official points to the seismic wave of suspected nuclear test - 9/10/06
The UN Security Council attacks North Korea's 'nuclear test' and debates next steps amid calls for rapid action.

Google buys video-sharing website YouTube for $1.65bn in shares after reports that a deal was due.
At least 34 people have died in a bus crash in northern Guatemala, rescue officials say.


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