History War between Moon Jae-in and Chun Doo Whan

The War of 5.18 History between Moon Jae-in and Chun Doo Whan

Description of The War of 5.18 History between Moon Jae-in and Chun Doo Whan

      The primary language of the book entitled The War of 5.18 History in South Korea is Korean language with few occasional English texts. The subtitle of the current volume is The War of 5∙18 History between Moon Jae-in and Chun Doo Whan. If one wants to know what has been going wrong with the democracy of South Korea, especially under the oppressive regime of Moon Jae-in, this is the book one must read. The biggest lie ever told in history is the claim that Gwangju Uprising of May 1980 was a pro-democratic movement. The book present the facts and truths of the incident, shattering and overthrowing the false narratives of Gwangju Uprising which was organized and led by pro-Communist, anti-American, and pro-North Korean groups.

      The book is made up with three parts at large. The first chapter is about Strongman Moon Jae-in, about his political career that has been untold like a top secret. The second and third chapters are about President Park Geun-hye, about what happened to her in 2016-2017, and all about impeachment by fraud. The other chapters from Chapter Four to Chapter Twelve is about the truth and the real fact of Gwangju Uprising that took place in May 1980.

Description of Gwangju Uprising Overthrown by Moon Jae-in's 5.18 Tear

      The book is a new look into the two major events of modern Korean history: Impeachment by fraud in 2017 and 5.18 Gwangju Uprising in 1980. Chapter One deals with the question everyone asks—how it happened that the South Korean President Park Geun-hye was impeached by fraud? Although the chapter is written for Korean leaders, it might be informative for international researchers that the 24 pictures from primary sources serve as the evidences that President Park was impeached by the fraud—by the false narrative of the fake news.

      The first consequence of impeachment by fraud is the inevitable political conflict between the two groups. There are men and women who are sensible enough to decern between facts and fake news. For these sensible Koreans who reject false narratives, the President in their heart is still Park Geun-hye, while Moon Jae-in has his own supporting group (among them many tend to be pro-North Korean or extreme Socialists).

      The second heading of Chapter One is ‘Fabricated Tablet.’ Very few Western journalists appear to be aware of that a small tablet was used as a tool for impeaching President Park by fraud. Strongman Moon justifies impeachment by fraud by calling it ‘candlelight revolution.’

      Candlelight rallies first began in 2002, when pro-North Korean groups organized nation-wide anti-American rallies. Another large-scale ‘candlelight’ rallies were organized in 2008, stirring anti-American sentiments with a false rumor of mad-cow disease. Fake news was used again in 2016 for organizing candlelight rallies for months—this time aiming at impeaching President Park Geun-hye.

      JTBC, a South Korean broadcasting company, used a small tablet for a trick to produce a fake news. The fake news of October 24, 2016 was that Mrs. Choi Sun-shil, a long-time friend of President Park, revised Presidential speeches by using the tablet. Two things were white lie. The first lie is about time period. Mrs. Choi polished a few wordings of Park’s speech drafts only during her Presidential campaign in 2012, otherwise her male secretary did not know how to write speech drafts in women’s language. The second white of JTBC under the leadership of Son Seok-hee was that Choi used a small tablet to revise Park’s speech drafts. JTBC’s strategy to make Korean people furious against President Park worked. But the fact is that Choi never used a tablet, and the analysis report of National Forensic Service indicates that JTBC fabricated files inside the tablet.

      Chapter Two reveals the fact that Gwangju Uprising has been known by false narrative during the last 37 years. Gwangju Uprising was introduced to English-speaking world mainly by the book entitled Kwangju Diary and translated by Kap Su Seol. Now the official authorship Hwang Seok-young (rather than Lee Jai Eui). Hwang is not a historian, but a novelist as a fiction writer. It has been reported that he plagiarized North Korean propaganda books for a part of his Kwangju fiction. The short English texts on pages 116-117 on Gwangju Uprising Overthrown are only one example of Hwang’s unreal and ill-willed Gwangju fiction, which is responsible for incorrect information about Gwangju Uprising.

      The title of the book comes from Chapter Three, which is the highlight of the book that presents how Strongman Moon Jae-in’s tear show of May 18, 2017 for promoting a false narrative brought the opposite effect of triggering the opening of the Pandora box of 5.18 Gwangju Uprising.

Gwangju Uprising Overthrown by Moon Jae-in's 5·18 Tear

How To Order

   아마존 사이트에서 '문재인' '광주사태' '5.18' 이 세 개의 검색어 중 하나를 입력하면 책 사이트가 바로 뜹니다. 구글이나 아마존에서 『문재인의 5·18 눈물로 뒤집힌 광주사태』의 영어 제목 Gwangju Uprising Overthrown by Moon Jae-in's 5·18 Tear 를 입력하셔도 책 주문 사이트가 바로 뜹니다.

   또 하나의 방법은 유럽 지역과 일본 등 국가별로 아래의 한국어판 링크를 클릭하시어 해당 지역 도서 주문 사이트로 바로가기 하시는 것입니다.