Transcript in the news of
March 12, 2007
A crackdown on the political
opposition in Zimbabwe is
The leader of the movement for
democratic change was severely
assaulted by police officers as
he was arrested yesterday.
According to activists from his
Morgan tsvangirai and other
M.D.C. Leaders were detained as
they tried to get to a prayer
meeting attend by tens of
thousands of people opposed to
president Robert Mugabe.
The united states has condemned
the action as brutal and

>> It was after violence broke
out at an opposition rally last
month that a government in
Zimbabwe imposed a three-month
ban on political meetings.
Despite the threat hang over
there, the opposition called a
rally attended by hundreds of
thousands of people.
Riot police were called in and
one man was shot dead.
Among those being held now is
Morgan tsvangiraI, leader of the
movement for democratic change,
along with other leading
opponents of the government.
It was only last month that
celebrations for his 83rd
birthday for Robert Mugabe, who
led Zimbabwe since 1980, said he
had no intentions of standing
Last Friday Mr. TsvangiraI said
Zimbabwe's economic collapse was
reverberating across southern
There's no doubt the country is
suffering, food, including
staples like bread, is in short
Inflation is running at 1,700%
and unemployment is chronic.
Mr. Mugabe's critics say the
answer to the country's problems
has to come from within.

>> The united states, the
I.M.F., The world bank, we've
all worked hard to try to create
a better life for Zimbabwe
We've all failed.
Now, short of launching
battalions, which I'm not sure
the world is ready for, I don't
see an easy change to what is
>> But so far there's little
sign of concerted agitation for
Government policies, including
the clearing of shantytowns
leaving hundreds of thousands of
people homeless and the taking
over of white-owned farms have
left an economy straining at the
seems but Mr. Mugabe still in
>> And later in the programme,
we'll hear more about events in
Zimbabwe from the commonwealth
Now, let's take a look at the
rest of this hour's main news.
The united states cares deeply
about the human condition.
That's the message British --
president bush is carrying to
got ma lA. He's had a warm
welcome political leaders.
He flew into Guatemala fro

thankedisombian countert
uribr to drug production and it
trafficking to T. Colombia wasdent
bush was guarae a warm
welcome from the govnome isolated quickly massive presence
ests mm
with violence, so 22,
flooded the
capital, guarding the route we and
establishing random vehicle
Relations between the two
presidents couldn't be better
with a great deal of mutual
praise and back-slapping.
>> The Colombia government
continues to make progress.
It's going to earn greater
confidence from all its citizens
and greater respect in the
international community.
You've set high expectations for
your nation.
I appreciate your determination,
and I'm proud to call you a
personal friend and to call your
country a strategic partner of
the united states.>>
Bush and uribe have a great deal
in common, more than just their
shared aim of fighting the drug
scourge and terrorism.
President bush was unequivocal
in his support of Mr. Uribe
who's cking his government
with right-wing paramilitaries.
Mr. Bush pledged to support to
continue Colombia which
currently receives over $600
million in aid.
It remains to be seen whether
the democrat-controlled congress
shares president bush's
However, shadowing Mr. Bush was
his regional isenezuela.
While Mr. Bush was in Uruguay,
Mr. Chavez was in neighbouring
Argentina, calling the American
president a political corpse.
Then the Venezuelan premier
turned up in
Bolivia, insisting
the U.S. Government was planning
assassinations of Latin leaders
and fomenting coups.
It's not over yet.
As president bush leaves
Colombia for Guatemala,
Mr. Chavez arrives inragua
and is no doubt preparing a
parting shot.
Jeremy mcdermoH.
>> Moroccan officials say a
suicide bomber has killed
himself and injured three
others at an internet café.
The man detonated explosives
hidden under his clothes.
International observers have
declared the presidential
election in Mauritania was
generally free and fair.
About 70% of the electorate,
approximately one million people
are thought to have voted.
It's the first fully democratic
poll since Mauritania gained
independence in 1960.
A team of British diplomats has
visited the site where five
European tourists were kidnapped
ten days ago.
They went to the village in the
desert afar region to
the Ethiopian
indirect contact with the
kidnappers but hasn't commented
further on their whereabouts.
A 57-year-old Swiss man faces
ty charges of insulting
the king.
Oliver jufer was arrested after
defacing 70 years in prisoners of
mono,, king bhumibol adulyadej.
There's no greater insult in than insulting the

>> Even if you were drunk attime, youce charges that
could carry a total of 75
even his defence lawyer said
technically under the law he
cannot go to jail for less than
7.5 years for this offence.
It's something Thai's take very
seriously indeed.
It's hard to water things down.
>> Why does the king enjoy such
protctelted for a long time.
It is interesting.
60 years ago when this monarch
first came to the throne as aer
jowng man, the monarchy didn't
enjoy anything like this much
even ration.
The image has been very
carefully cultivated over the decades.
His own dedication to hard work counderside has certainly helped
a great deal.
The affection felt for him is
genuine, but the image is also
carefully managed and protected.
Those Thais who perhaps do in
their own minds question the
future of the monarchy or
whether it should be so
high-profile don't dare to speak
It's hard to know really what
people think, although generally
speaking the respect felt for
him is strong and appears
tors have
released a report on the
situation in the Sudanese
province of Darfur.
The report concludes the human
rights situation in Darfur
remains grave and it's highly
critical of theas
orchestrated large-scale
The report calls on the
international community to act
without delay to protect the
people of Darfur.
Dubai international hours after 14
people were slightly injured in
an aircraft accident.
The details are sketchy, but the
Dubai civil aviation authority
said the plane involved belongedsh
bound for Dakar with 236
passengers and crew on board.
>> Soldieries from the 82nd
airborne division of west
Baghdad, one of the oldest parts
market area
famous for its shrine.
Just over here you have Iraqi
police searching people going up
it's a particularly sensitive
Now, the hope is that policemen
like this will eventually take
over full security across
What the Americans are doing at
the moment is doing a foot
very ltl but
under the Baghdad security plan,
they're trying t
eetyoal is p army over
they hope then push out the Shia
militias who have essentially
been running things here for
several years.

>> That was Andrew north in
He's been out and about, of
course, with American soldiers
as they enforce that joint u.S.
And Iraqi plan to secure the
capital, Baghdad, on a day when
there's been yet more violence.
California Ian firefighters are
battling a rapidly burning
bushfire that's already burned
1,000 acres on the outskirts of
los angels.
More than 500 homes have been
The authorities say the blaze
may have been started bay
vehicle fire.
They're investigating whether
the car was stolen and then set
alight to destroy evidence.
>> Dense smoke fills the sky as
the fire spreads out of control.
Strong winds are fanning the
flames, making the lives of
firefighters all the more
difficult. Errain in
with hardly anyi during
the winter, the brush is
tinder-dry, and with
temperatures soaring wellbo Celsius, hecore
to wreak havoc.
A wildfire on this scale in
march is highly unusual.
It's normally one of the wettest
months o
under a red flag alert, which
means the risk of fires is high
due to the dry conditions.
Firefighters are tackling the
blaze from the ground and the
Helicopters circle overhead,ieve it all
began with a vehicle fire.
More thanultimillio
local people are sheltering in
community centres, praying
they'll have homes to return to.
With no end in sight to the hot
weather, it could be several
dayso fire is brought
under control.
Peter Bose, bbc news, los
>> Now to the news about aston
>> Interestingly, we associate
with it bond, but t 1915.
>> My car.
>> Not bad, are they?
>> The bbc has learned the U.S.
Carmaker Ford will announce who
has won the race to take over Aston martin.
The deal with will put Aston
martin back into U.K. Hands
after being wholly owned by ford expected to keep a 15%
share in the company.
The front-runner is thought to
be a British motor sports from.
The company said it hopes to
move to the united Arab emirates
to expand its business in the
middle east.
It has extensive operations in
Saudi Arabia.
Speaking of which, members of
what is widely regarded as theng
watchdog according to the U.K.
Government this week says its
decision to drop a bribery
Fellow mention at the
organisation for economic
recovery want to know why it
stopped an enquiry into b.A.E.
Systems, an investigation that
could have affected a
multibillion dollar defence
On that note I hand back to you.
>> Thank you very much, on thea.
Stay with us here on bbc world. This programme,
international condemnation afterest
commonwealth secretary-general.
A Tibetan community in the
mountains of southern China has
pledged its loyalty to the pope,
despite the overwhelming Buddhist surroundings and the
Communist government's tight
control of religions. James Reynolds now reports.
>> Deep inside the most
populated country on earth, you
can find one of the most
isolated religious minorities in
the world.
In a village in the mountains,
there is a congregation of
Tibetan Catholics.
They worship in their own
Most Tibetans are Buddists, but Christian missionaries made it here in the
nineteenth century.
>> They're determined to hold on to
their faith. (Translated) We would never
abandon my religion no matter what.
There is no conflict between us
and other religions.
Our religion was passed on to me by old generation, and it
will be passed on next generation.
It is never going to change.
I hope that the younger
generation can follow Catholicism as I do. Worshippers here
survived some difficult times
between persecution during the Cultural Revolution in the 1960's.
They still don't trust Beijing.
They look instead to Rome and
the Vatican.
>> (
Catholic church is home to our
It's our saviour and the leader
of our souls.
From dawn to dark, we the
Catholics must help the Roman
catholic church.
>> The words of one small
community alot in
china, Christianity is growing
There may be more than 40
million worshippers.
The government is suspicious of any
group, any minority, which professes allegiance to anything other than the Communist party.
James Reynolds, bbc news,
>> This is bbc world.
The main news thisou violence
in Zimbabwe after police break
up a massive opposition rally.
I've been speaking to the quick
secretary-general about that.
Zimbabwe was thrown out of the
commonwealth five years ago.
He joi
condemning the actions it' ironic, today
being commonwealth day, when 53
countries go out and celebrate
today that one of our former
members should be engaged in
this, but I suppose in many ways
it's not unpredictable.
These things have been happening
for some time, and it is,
obviously as you snd
presumably in your eyes
increasing, intensifying,
getting worse.

>> Well, the intensity of these
rallies has been building up
some members of the governing
party are beginning to think
they canheno
ic on even whatgi
this has been going on for some
>> As you say, Zimbabwe is a
former member of the
Perhaps it would have b
organisation more leverage.
>> We had leverage for a number
of years, and I'm afraid we
weren't able to achieve anything decide to
continue the suspension, it was
Mr. Mugabe who said he didn't
believe the commonwealth had
E. Ngnternational community
can now do to put pressure on
president Mugabe?
>> Well, you've seen all of them
That's the sad thing.
You know, the united states, the
I.M.F., The united kingdom, the
world bank, ourselves, we've all
worked very hard to try and
create a better life for
Zimbabwe's people.
We've all failed.
Now, short of launching
battalions, which I'm not sure
the world is ready for, I don't

>> Where do you believe any
solution comes from?
Is it internally?
>> It has to be internally. Ople are the only ones who can
affect change.
>> In just und oar to
Vladimir putin.
Since he became president seven
years ago, Moscow has become
increasingly if's criticised in the
death of several journalists.
Let'gopondent Richard Galpin.
>> Thanks very much.
Welcome to Moscow.
Certainly one of the biggest
criticisms of president putin
and his government is they have
persistently undermined
democracy in the country, and
the government has become
increasingly authoritarian.
One of the prime examples of
that is a pretty serious
clampdown on the country's
With me now are two prominent
We have the editor-in-chief of a
tabloid newspaper and a
journalist from the Russian
edition of "Newsweek."
Welcome to bbc world.
First of all, Mikhail, do you
think media freedom does still
exist in Russia Y. Exist.
I'm a journalist and political
reporter and I write whatever I.
But I would add that vayt t no influence or receive no
direct orders from the Kremlin
on what they do or what they do real imp
what is important is that
national TV operates under huge political power in
Russia and I would say is the
instrument, one of the main
instruments of personal power of
Vladimir putin.
>> Can we say the national TV
channels here receive direct
orders from the Kremlin about
what to say?
>> We never... I think yes.
I think yes.
>> How important is television in terms of informing the
public, particularly
are in area?
>> You know, public interest,
political interest, what people
think about what is going
arnd they are... they do
not have shape.
They are indeterminant.
What national TV does, it gives
that shape to political
interests of people.
It forms political interests.
>> So it's very important.
>> Timor, what about you.
You run a daily tabloid.
Do you feel under pressure from
the government?

>> I don't feel any pressure.
I am convinced that freedom of
exists, and I
don't feel any preurrom Kremlin or from the government.
In our paper we write a lot of
>> Tell me this.
In an election year, would you
write anything seriously
critical of president putin?
>> Well, we two main
We don't criticize residents and
we don't criticise religion.
>> So you will not criticise hear interesting
information, we'll check it and
think about it.
I can't say what we'll do the
next day because the paper we
decide every day immediately
what to publish in our paper,
but I can say president putin
was elected by 70% of the
Russian population.
People like him, and for us, for
the tabloid, it's not good to
criticise a person who everybody
It's our position and it's what
with do.
>> It's a fascinating debate.
We could continue for a long
indeed for joining us here on
bbc world.
Back to you in London.
>> Thank you very much indeed.
Stay with us here on bbc world.Ing back to brita.
A controversial television drama
about the treatment of German
civilians at the end of the bermany.
fled eastern Europe as victims.
>> This new TV drama breaks a
long-held taboo.
It deals with the plight of
mill t
invan e war.
In the film, there are graphic
scenes as women are raped by
soviet soldiers and homes are
>> The time is right for this
film to be made.
One cannot deny there was
sure>> Csh the Nazi officers and falls in love
with a French prisoner of war.

>> ( Translated ): In a film one
cannot string together all the
awful things that happened
during the escape of people.
There were rapes, children dying
of hunger,.
It's too much if it's
crama is an
attempt to rewrite the history
of the second world war.
Today issg
many people have demand back
former property, which hasand Poland. Th
berlin0easu o
display in Britain.
The last time they were shown in
London, record numbers of people
paid to see the ancient Egyptian
>> Launched with a fan tare in
1972, the tutankhamen treasure
trove arrived in London amidst
almost feverish anticipation.
>> It's unquestionably the most
fabulous exhibition ever mounted
at a British museum.

>> And it lived g ,eckllion people eagerly of the
It remains the most popular
exhibition in the history of the
British museum.
There was just one thing the
hordes wanted tomtufamoa
ok at the other tile aio also w then weinkio noe withoutos
artefact, those organisers are
hoping that won't stop crowds
flocking to the 02 dome to see
the treasures. Is v it to England or
America, it could be destroyed.
It's something we cannot repeat.
But the exhibit is
>> It's likely to be the last
time the secrets of
Tutankhamen's tomb are displayed
on British soil.
They're heading home to Cairo
where they're expected to stay.
* Occasionally, this transcript may need spelling check. |