Transcript of BBC
News on Video (In the News of January
26, 2007)
Shops have reopened in many parts of the city, but traffic
appeared lighter as many people chose to remain home. Schools were
closed. Police in the iraqi capital baghdad say that 15 people have
been killed in an explosion in a busy market. 35 others were
injured, all of them injured, which is famous for its friday sales
of pets and other animals. A man arrived with a cart of pigeons for
sale, but it exploded after he walked awaY. Two killed and two
injured at a suicide bomb at the marriot hotel in islamabad. A
security guard and the suicide bomber died in the explosion. Cars
and neighbouring buildings were damaged by the blast. The five-star
hotel is located in an area close to government building and
diplomatic missions. India celebrates its 58th republic day with a
show of military might, and there is a guest of honour, russian
president vladimir putin. At a parade in delhi, mR. Putin watched
from a special enclosure as india put on a grand display. A pride of
place was reserved for the country's weapons and tanks, mostly
purchased from russia. President putin has secured a deal to supply
even more weapons and four nuclear reactors. We've been watching
this year's parade.
>> A fly pass by, a display of indian tanks and bearing in mind
that india over the next ten years is expected to spend about $10
billion acquiring new military hardwarE. That's something that
wouldn't have been lost on the russian president.
>> It's not just a matter of armaments, it is, that vladimir
putin is hoping to cooperate with india on.
>> Yes, that's right. The relation between india and russia date
back to the cold war era when they had very, very close ties, but
much of that relationship was built around their defence
relationship, india buying a lot of its military equipment from
russiA. Things have changed since then, and india is now looking out
for energy, new sources of energy to feed its ever-growing economy.
This is where russia has stepped in, signing an agreement yesterday
to build four new nuclear reactors in india and possibly more in the
future. So it's a new direction in indian-russian relationshiP.
India is also hoping to gain access to vast was veries of oil and
gas that russia possessions. So energy relationship appears to be
the new way forward for india and russia.
>> Millions of people in ukraine could have their gas cut off
within days. The state-run gas company says it's owed millions in
unpaid bills. It's threatening to take drastic action just as
temperatures are set to drop to well below freezing. Sisco has just
opened its first supermarket in china.
>> Yes, a very big change as these big stores go in. Test coe,
the U.K. Retail giant is trying to get a food hold in what is
already the world's largest consumer markeT. Tesco already operates
46 stores they're up against some big players, rivals wal-mart are
already well established inchjahe opening. Popular at the moment. I
was at the store. There are tesco buses behind mE. There was a
trickle of people to begin with at 8:00 when the store opened, but
about 9:00 and 10:00 a.M., It was absolutely packed with shopperS. I
spoke had come to a if they hadn't seen its name before. They said
because it was nearby, it was convenient. One woman told me she
trusted these large, international supermarkets because the goods,
she says, they sold were clean, not full of pesticides and they were
also cheap. There was a long queue of perhaps 20 30r people buying
simple things such as eggs because they said they were cheaper here
than anywhere elsE. Tesco will be watching what happens here in the
store behind me very closely because business experts have been
explaining that the future, the long-term future of stores likeen of
overseas ventures, particularly stores like this one.
>> James reynolds there. Talks aimed at avoiding a strike by
british airways cabin crew continue today. Last-ditch talks between
the chief executive and the union will try to resolve the dispute
over sickness pay and staffing. B.A. Has already cancelled many of
its passenger flights for the next tuesday and wednesday, but these
will be reinstated if talks are successful. The delay to the launch
of the windows vista operation system has hit the bottom line at
microsoft. The american software giant says profits are down by over
a quarter. Windows vista and office 2007, the latest edition of
microsoft's flagship products hit the consumer market next week, two
years behind schedulE. Businesses have happened since november, but
consumers missed the crucial shopping season, the christmas season.
That's why it's at the bottom line.
>> Thank you. International regulators have agreed on plan that
aims to slow the decline of tuna stocks around the world. At the end
of the conference in Kobe, delegates representing the five regional
bodies which regulate the industry pledged to redouble efforts to
ensure the sustainable use of tuna stocks and avoid future
overfishing, however, some conservationists are saying this pledge
doesn't go far enough. The world wildlife fund has branded the
meeting a failure. Katherine short of W.W.F.
Now joins us live on the line. They've agreed a plan involving
proving data on stocks. They've improved penalties and sanctions to
deter illegal fishing and a new inspection programme. What more
would you have expected of them?
>> Yes, hello. Well, the plans don't go far enough because
actually essentially although you mention some specific points,
they've actually only agreed to meet again and discuss those points
rather than rein in the problem.
>> Is it a problem between richer and poorer nation, the poorer
nations needing to catch whatever species they can come across?
>> The primary issues is the number of vessels on the ocean. That
needs to come down, and the divergence of opinion, as you referred
to, is actually about who catches the fish, who has a share of the
ability to catch the fish. At the moment it is largely the developed
nations and the developing nations are demanding a share of the pie
and clearly that pie has to be a sustainable pie, a pie that's good
enough, that's at the right level for the fish and the ecosystem.
>> The meeting was taking place in Japan. As far as you're
concerned, who is the worst culprit?
>> Well, it's the distant water fishing nations, the east Asian
group of nations and the European community unfortunately. Japan was
very brave in holding this meeting, but essentially all the
governments have agreed to do is meet to talk further about what
needs to be done rather than doing it.
>> Thank you very much for that.
>> Stay with us here at bbc world because still to come:
>> I'm Jon leyne in Iraq where thousands of Iraqi refugees are
fleeing the violence every day. It's the biggest refugee exodus if
the world.
>> In 1964, two black teenagers were beaten and drowned in the
Mississippi river. Their families never found justice. Now more than
40 years on, one of the original suspects has been charged once
again in connection with the case.
>> A national forest where in 1964 two young black men, Charles
moore and henry dee, were allegedly beaten before being thrown to
their deaths in the mississippi. The crime went unsolved for more
than 30 years, but now james seale, a suspected former member of the
ku klux klan, has been charged. He apparently picked up the two
hitchhikers near an ice cream parlour, and then, say prosecutors,
they were killed.
>> Dee and moore were beaten by their captors and transported and
finally force wli drowned by being thrown into the old mississippi
river, tied heavy objects alleged to have included an engine block,
iron weights and railroad ties.
>> James seale, now 71, was arrested in 1964 along with charles
edwards, but a local judge threw out the charges. After the case was
reopened in 2000, mr. Seale was said to have died, but he was
tracked down to a mobile home by a canadian filmmaker and the elder
brother of one of the victims, who said on thursday that justice
could be done even after 40 years.
>> I went to the cemeterY. I will fight until i die. I will do
this. When i got the word yesterday, just so happened david and i
were speeding through virginia, and I cried.
>> This is just the latest in a string of recent prosecutions
over racially motivated killings in the 1950s and '60S. The vicious
attacks of the time once again highlighted by the deaths of two
19-year-oldS. Oliver con-way, bbc news.
>> The maybe stories here at bbc world, a call to armS. The U.S.
Wants a greater commitment to afghanistan from its nato allieS.
India puts on an impressive show of military might for visiting
russian president vladimir putin. To iraq now. Whilst most attention
is focused on the continuing violence in the country, another human
tragedy is unravelling. It's the mass cross-border exodus of people
out of iraq and into its near neighbours. So far an estimated 2
million people have left the country. Well, the bbc's jon leyne is
the only television correspondent who is covering this angle of the
story. He joins us now from the iraq-syria bordeR. Jon, describe
where you are and how many people are attempting to get through at
this point.
>> Yes, i'm inside of the iraq-syria bordeR. You can see behind
me the picture of president bash shar assad of syria and this is
where up to 2,000 iraqis a day are now arriving, making that six to
eight-hour trek across some of the most dangerous bit of iraq,
across western iraq's anbar province. You can see some of the
vehicles queueing to come in today. I'll have the camera operator
zoom in there. These are the big g.M.C.S as they call them, the
great big american 4x4 eight to ten-seater high-speed vehicles they
use the make this dangerous trip, and they're piled high with
luggage. Iraqis taking all their belongings with them. Coming for a
new life here in syria and maybe trying to move on beyond syria.
This is about the time they arrive. They start in the early morning
from baghdad. They're coming here to this customs post, and so far
syria is allowing pretty much all of them iN. Unlike jordan, where i
was earlier this week, where they're slowly closing down that border
post. Here in syria they are being welcomed, but they're putting an
enormous strain on the country. Just follow me around with the
camera if you like, and i can show you what happens in the rest of
this border posT. Right here absolutely in the middle of the desert.
This is truly the middle of nowhere, but it's a great refuge for the
iraqis once they've fled the violence here. On the other side of me
just around here is the long, long queue of trucks waiting to get
into iraq to supply iraq's every need. That queue stretches down
maybe three kilometres down the road behind me, all queueing to get
into iraq to supply iraq's every needs. So that's the scene here at
the iraq-syria border.
>> Jon, give us an idea if you will briefly, as to the kinds of
dangers iraqis fleeing baghdad and other parts of the country have
to endure before they get to this point.
>> The big exodus has been because there is what they're calling
ethnic or sectarian cleansing, sunni and shiite neighbourhoods are
dividing out. Then to drive here they have to get through an area
that has a lot of american patrols. People are worried of
trigger-happy americans. It's got insurgents in great numbers and
it's got a lot of bandits, a lot of people telling very sorry
stories when they arrive here.
>> Jon leyne, thank you very much. Jon leyne, our correspondent
on the iraq-syrian border. Japan must overhaul its pass vis
constitution, beef up its role in international security and free
itself from the political remnants of world war iI. That's the view
of the country's prime minister, shinzo abe, who puts forward that
idea in a speech to parliament on fridaY. Bolstering his security
alliance with the united states is one of his administration's key
objectives. Singapore has executed two african-american for drug
smuggling despite pleas for clemency from the nigerian president,
olusegun obasanjo. The two men, a nigerian and another, reported to
be stateless, already convicted of trying to smuggle heroin in 2004.
The death sentence is mandatory in singapore for anyone caught
trafficking more than 15 grams of heroiN. Traffic fumes can
seriously harm children's lungs. A study in california has found
children who grow up very close to busy roads have much poorer lung
function by the time they reach 18 than those who live further away.
U.S. Researchers also found that children who are exposed to fumes
are more likely to suffer respiratory and heart problems later in
life. More scientists in america say they have pinpointed the source
of nicotine addiction, a one-inch wide pleasure centre deep within
the brain. The discovery concerns the insular, which is a small
island in the cerebral corteX. The finding points scientists towards
new ways to develop anti-smoking aids and it spowts excitement
amongst addiction specialists who expect the insular to play a key
role in other addictions, too. Experts have noticed a small number
of stroke victims who had been smokers, damage to the insular led to
the immediate disappearance of their addiction. Stay with us here at
bbc world because still to come we have sports news, including
voting has taken place for the top job in european footbalL. Earlier
this week a fuse conference was held in delhi the launch four short
films designed to help combat the spread of hiv/aids in india. The
pictures have been overseen by a top indian director. Mira naire
hopes the films will help dispel midst surrounding the virus.
>> The plan is the four short aids-themed films will be shown
across india in single-screen cinemas and in urban multiplexes.
Money has come from the charitable foundation run by microsoft
chairman bill gates and his wife.
>> I had an idea which they instantly loved, and that was to ask
for commercial india directors, bombay, madras, different regions,
but directors i admire to make 12-minute full on fiction film with
big movie stars in their region that we could play each film before
a blockbuster release in the theatres so that the masses in india
would see and identify with hope my a dramatic story featuring their
favourite people, which would wake them up to aids. The series is
about a strike at apathy, waking people up, getting rid of the
stigmA. I think part of our work is also to live positively with
aids because aids is here to stay, and we also have ways to combat
it now. We hope to really wake people up. That's the idea to steal
out from behind you and suddenly make you understand that this could
really be you and me. Aids is the greatest level there is. It goes
>> Many will find the effort laudable, they may question just how
much difference can four short films make in a country that has the
largest number of people living with H.I.V. In the world. Tom
brooks, bbc news, new yorK.
>> The 52 members who make up european football's governing body
uefa have cast their votes in the election for the next presidenT.
The race is between the present incumbent, the 77-year-old swede who
is seeking a fifth term in office, and the 52-year-old former
european player of the year. The results from that vote, which is
taking place in dusseldorf in germany is expected in about 14
minutes' time.
>> I have nothing against him. He's a member of the committee. I
think i have more experiencE. I'd like to fulfill this. This is in
my manifesto. People know about it. I never went for a campaign
because there was no time for it. If people stay with their word,
then I'm confident.
>> I am 52. I am vice president. And if i meet with the executive
committee, I think it's not so difficult to do this.
>> Looted nazi art is back in the newS. This latest row involves
the collection of thousands of pre-war posters held by the german
historical museum in berlin. The son of the original jewish owner
wants them back despite accepting compensation in the past from the
german governmenT.
>> Peter sachs was only one year ole when his family was forced
to flee germany and the guess top poe confiscated his father's
collection of rare posters. Now he's back in berlin in a bid to form
the german historical museum to give them bacK. His father, a
wealthy jewish dentist, had built one of the largest collections of
pre-war posters. Several thousand are held by the museum, but apart
from the odd exhibition are rarely shown.
>> Except for those exhibits, it's just been lying in the
basement and it's kept from the world. And I know this is not what
he would have wanted, and i would like it to be liberated and shared
with the world.
>> As looted nazI art goes, these posters are hardly the top end
of the market, but experts believe the entire collection could be
worth millionS. Now peter sachs has hired a lawyer specialising in
holocaust restitution cases.
>> This is a situation where the museum never purchased the
collection. It never acquired iT. There was never any question as to
whether it was legally obtained. It was seized by the third reich.
>> The family did receive about $50,000 in compensation from the
west jeffman government -- German government in the 1960s, but mr.
Sachs claims that at the time he believed the posters had all been
destroyed during the war. Now the museum says it's up to the
government to decide what happens next.
>> ( Translated ): We try act in the interest of the museum. It
is not my collection but the collection of the federal republic of
germany, and germany will decide about whether we should return the
collection or not. It would be a loss not only for us but for the
history of poster art.
>> It's a dispute which now seems likely to be settled by the
courts. Michael voss, bbc news.
>> Spain is to overhaul its clothing sizes for women as part of a
government drive to ease pressure on young girls over their body
size. There are fears that efforts to conform could be leading to
eating disorders. The move follows spain's ban on ultra thin models
on the catwalk during madrid's fashion week last september and one
notice noticeable change will be that shop window mannequins will
get larger. Have you got anything to say about that? You can go to
the web site, bbcnews.Com. Let us know your thoughts and comments,
as indeed on any of the day's fuse stories. There you can get a very
updated version of president putin's two-day visit to india. He's
there for republic day today. And he's been witnessing this
magnificent parade. But bbcnews.Com. That's where you can see and
read the very latest of the day's news stories. <

* While this transcript
can be a help for listening and quotation, one may need to
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transcript occasionally. For example, some initial letters
need to be changed into capitals. |