Transcript of BBC
News on Video (In the News of January
18, 2007)
This is bbc world news I'm kathy kay in washington.
>> Pressure on ir's prime minister after the armed forces chief resigned over
the war in lebanon. A tough iraq shia that the U.S. Must talk with iran not
confront it.
>> I'm mike embly in london. Europe's constitution remember that the french
and dooch rejected. The racism on british tv. Celebrity relations tchl v is
under under mining relations with india.
>> The war in lebanon last july claimed the lives of an estimated thousand
lebanese and 160 israelis and it foper political careers of the israeli
>> The prime minister ohmert and his defense minister both face cause to step
down. It follows that the resignation of the head of the israeli armed forces
who said he was taking responsibility for mistakes made in the conflict. More on
this on middle east jeremy bowen who's in jerusalem.
>> Ever since the war ended splal politics have been dominated to a large
degree pair lyle of recriminations about the way that israel conducted its war.
The resignation of the general is not going to put a stop to that.
>> Careers were beginning and ending.
>> General in the blue air force shirt has given under pressure to resign. In
a civilian suit defense minister. End some of his own party colleagues want him
to go too. Israel's newest officers celebrated. The top brass who're not
expected to fail commiserated.
>> Israel's war aims were clear. It wanted to get back two soldiers who had
been captured by hezbollah guerillas in a cross border raid. And it wanted to
kill nasrallah to destroy thinks military power and stop firing rockets into
israel. The israelis did not achieve their aims. The soldiers haven't been
4,300. Hezbollah became the heroes of the arab world for surviving the attack
and fighting back. There were too slow to deploi ground troops true the lebanon
and when he did as an air force man he couldn't command them. Letting gun
soldiers who were badly prepared and badly supplied.
>> He was a little cocky, and he had his own vision how to do things. When
this failed after a couple of days that hezbollah didn't stop firing on the
contrary started firing and firing more and more short range rockets that's
>> Prime minister ohmert tried to look the part during the fighting last
year. But losing his top soldier will increase the pressure ontoo. For many
israelis leading the country in war is the most important task.
>> He failed it.
>> We have to understand that we saw thef
only a question of time until we will have to go back to elections
>> Mr. Ohmert soon the official inquiry into his conduct of the war comes
>> He's also being investigated rre licking their lips too.
>> This is more than just a domestic complit cull spat. If the
in office it might be wisely with other issues that really matter
internationally like relations with the palestinians. Or the chances of another
war in lebanon with hezbollah or even the prospect on an attack on iran i
nuclear facilities.
>> It's dialogue with iran is needed not confrontation. That's the warning to
washington from one of iraqi's most influential shia leaders. He leads the
supreme council for the islamic revolution in iraq. He told the andrew north
that last week iranian consulate in the north violated iraqi sovereignty.
>> There's an average of 900 attacks a week in iraq now. This was just one in
the northern city of kur can you being.
>> He detonated his explosives outside killing at least 10 people and
injuring dozens.
>>Northern city of kirkuk.
>> He detonated his explosives outside killing at least 10 people andinns.
>> Diplomats. Late last year 2 other iranians were arrested aftelaraid on ho
tading iraqi politician. He's condemned these U.S. Actions.
>> Regardless of the iranian position because of these actions as incorrect.
They are present the signed of attack on the iraq sovereignty and we hope these
things are not repeated.
>> This is strong tough from one of iraq's leading politically kurs and
interestingly to someone who has ties to U.S. And iraq. The americans though are
staying firm. I would let the government the iraq itself speak to that. But the
sovereignty issue for the government of iraq is one that means that neighbours
don't interfere or meddle inside their neighbour's borders
>> Inside baghdad shias again under attack. The same muslim secretary that's
a majority in iran. Yet again the sectarian reasons more than 15 people were
killed. Many iraqis says that this newest push to stop the violence has come too
>> Meanwhile here in washington, three leading american senators an
anti-republican and two democrats have agreed on a resolution opposing president
bush's plan to send more than 20,000 extra troops to iraq. The democrats now
controlling both houses of congress have begun a series of initiatives to block
the deployment of new troops in iraq.
>> Resolution says that we in many of our colleagues democrats and
republicans alike are in agreement on the deepening america's military
involvement in iraq by escalating our true presence is a mistake. Just as
important it says that we in many of our colleagues are what we're for. The
strategy that can produce a political settlement in iraq. That's the only way to
stop the shiites and sunnis from continuing to kill one each other and leave
iraq without leaving chaos behind.
>> Jamie thanks for joining us jamie. This is a symbolic vote. Does it matter
>> It's a number un binding vote but politically it is important. It does
increase the pressure to a certain extent on the president end though he
essentially made up his mine. What it does give democrats and those republicans
that are opposed to this troop increase something to co-less something to vote
without incurring the criticism from the white house are unpatriotic and putting
troops in danger.
>> You can't go into the senate these without pumping on presidential
hopefuls everywhere. You were running for the presidency in 2008 you'd be
looking very carefully which way to vote on this
>> You would. This is smoking the mount. People are having to take a position
on that. Hilary clinton she hasn't declared she's calling perhaps fors money to
be cut-off from the iraqi security deporss if certain standards are not met
with. We heard barack obama making his position and him side swipes at clinton
who're in the senate when to the vote to authorize the war was made. This is a
consequence of decisions taken in 2002. John edwards another frontrunner for
democrats he of course no longer in the senate. He's turned around and antiwar
democrat if you like. They're all taking positions all very important
>> I think we're going to see a lot more of this replayed in the presidential
>> I'll be back later with doomsday clock that's heading to midnight. I
thought that the european constitution had died a death
>> I r it may may not be truth. Germany want to revive the european
constitution. Two years aby voters in france and the netherlands. This is
significant germ dephae holds the presidency of the eu and cannesler wants a new
constitutional treaty end by 2009. He european foreign minister must be europe
yub nations. Europe should lead the way in climate control.
>> After the stalemate a way out. Also angle hopes she's a strong supporter
of the eu constitution stalled since it was rejected by french and dutch voters
18 months ago. Now she's looking to restart the process.
>> This is in the interest of europe it's member state's and their sit vuns
to end this process successfully by 2009 elections and any failure could be a
historic failure.
>> Europe needs new rules. It's own foreign minister. Lumbering democratic
divided such an eu can't take the decisions it faces on climate change in
largement or cutting red tape.
>> Most mep's applauded. They like constitution not laetion it would
strengthen their powers but euro skeptics. It's been killed off and they raw
psis attempts to revive it.
>> With a change of the top imminent in britain and deprans she is arguably
the eu's most influential leader. She's led the way. But she'll need all her
powers of persuasion to get the other 26 member states to follow her lead.
Pictures of them on the camping trip running through feels with ruck sacks on
your backs.
>> In greece violence's represented as thousands of students protested a
government to allow private universities. Demonstrators in theette uns through
pet recall bombs and rocks. Opponents ending the state monopoly on universities
will make it more difficult fore to go to college.
>> On the looming climax to kosovo's future is roll and serbia's weekend
>> Let's get a business new from new york.
>> Thanks very much kathy. Sweet music to apple ears as it unveils record
profits. Numbers are just ek it unveiled the iphone. This week apple unveiled a
record quartly profits and in the last 3 it made $100 billion that's in the back
on of strong sales of ipod up by 50% on the year ago and that of course is
during the holiday season but apple now faces a criminal probe over allegations
of stock options which will made investors about the outlook for the
companycompany. The apple wasn't the only company reporting. With the small
fourth quarter profit. Unlike some of ift rivals american has manage to avoid
filing for bankruptcy over the past five years
>> They improved their processes and union relations to make a go of it.
They're the biggest in health healthiest of the carriers it looks like there in
pretty good shape
>> Several days of frost in california have deaf sedated the state oh kit
russ crops. California ranks as the world's fifth largest in agricultural. And
america's biggest source of fresh oranges and lemons a single could now reach
$1.50 in supermarkets. You're watching bbc world news. A quick look de headline.
Pressure mounts on israel's prime minister after the chief armed forces officer
resign. The U.S. Must talk with iran not confront it.
>> It's nearly eight years since nato went to war with serbia over kosovo.
For the most of world it's a forgotten conflict over shadowed by subsequent
events in middle east and iraq it's unresolved one. This weekend they vote in
>> Western military intervention and in kosovo their grate full. In 1999 nato
bombed and moved to run this serbian province. Eight years albanians who make up
90% of two million people hope they'll get full independence while the minority
serbs appear reluctant but resigned to it.
>> I can't remember when serbia was running itself. I was too young.
>> No one is asking the serbs or the albanians the town and this has been a
troubled bridge over the years serbs to the north, and albanians to the south.
But now there's only a lip service of the checkpoint. The days of violence
fueled by mainstream politicians it seems have ended. We can hope in the next
couple years we'll have stop talking about the history and stop talking about
the goals like independence or dependency.
>> That tone of reconciliation is eastboundingchoed in the al bane 81 leader
who could end up the at prime minister in the world's newest nation.Banian
leader who could end up the at prime minister in the world's newest nation.
>> Our forced have been forced to leave or they sense they have to leave. My
message to them is kosovo is going to be place for everyone who wants to live in
kosovo. It will be home for the all the citizens of kosovo. We're not promising
kosovo all the
>> Few years ago this was a military checkpoint manned by nato troops
separating the sush community there to the albanians over there. Now traffic is
moving freely backwards and forwards. Whatever the bitterness from the past a
new reality has set in.
>> Ethnic conflict is out, joining europe is in. And as for foreign troops,
they all stay until the job is done which could be another 10 years.
>> Until just a depu hours ago it showed 7 minutes to midnight it now shows 5
minutes before midnight on a world famous clock that scientists are urging to
pay more attention for our survival the bulletin of atomic sign is the minute
hand of the doomsday clock has gone forward two minutes it reflects the perils
humanity faces from nuclear weapons and for the first time environmental threats
and still to come in this programme.
>> The british tv that's we'll ooh have the latest on big brother.
>> The firefighters have been battle is the contain toun to bush fires
destroying homes and cutting off powers in southern australia. The area hit by
drought has seen a huge swath gone up in flames. This is the fire season in
memory. The burning bush is a feature of the southern summer. But a severe
drought and soaring temperatures above 40 sellscelsius have combined to make
these blazes particularly extreme.
>> Million hectares of bushes have beening blackened in victoria alone. And
the fear is worst is to come. Another seven communities face an immediate threat
by ember fires forces by winds. Firefighters face an almost impossible task
prevent the loss of homes. For our crews it's very difficult working in that
area, it's a difficult you cans did you say and it's and the access all much
more difficult for our crews. Some good work was done overnight. The fires are
causing massive disruption on tuesday there was a huge power outage affecting
some 200,000 customers. When electricity transmission line was cut due to an
approaching fire. The residents in these fire affected areas they can't get here
soon enough.
>> The british tv company currently showing celebrity big brother is
insisting that the ball wood has suffered no overt racial abuse on the show.
Well this despite complaints from the record 19,000 viewers to britain's
regulatory broadcast authority all saying the opposite. The indian has condemned
her treatment. The big story on times that the government is taken a serious
note of the racist slur against.
>> The british tv programme causing protests in india. The treatment of one
of ball wood has led to demonstrations on the street.
>> Bollywood has led to demonstrations on the street.
>> India's foreign minister has stepped into the are you saying that the
government condemns racism.
>> And the centre of all this is the rich celebrity who's appeared in dozens
of films. For few weeks she's turned her weeks she's turned her back on this to
spend with other. The chancellor brown has come to india to talk about trade and
jobs instead he's going to reassure that britain is not a racist country.
>> I think there is a legitimate concern. And when hs they're 10,000
complains by british people I think we understand the the issue. We want send
the message I know most british we are a nation of fairness and tolerance. I
think that is how most of the world sees it.
>> It complained about the tv programmes ever. The celebrities taking part
have no idea what's going on in the outside world. Some of concluded she is
being picked on because she's indian.
>> Issue has been raised with tony blair in the house of commons. Forecasters
need to take great care before they publish any such prejudices to millions of
people throughout the country.
>> I have not from the particular programming in question that will comment
on it but of course i would agree entirely with the principal of he has outlined
we should oppose racism.
>> Other ministers are protested too
>> This big brother episode was extremely grubby. Very offensive and racism
being racist antics appearing on a major broadcast programme which is viewed by
millions and millions across the country is frankly unacceptable. Some believe
it's ignorance and cultural difference that have caused problems in the big
brother house.
>> They got to her. There were a certain turn of events which were a probably
hurt her feelings which got her to sob on national television. Watching her cry
on television saddened us.
>> Channel 4 says that the actress has made no complaints about bullying or
racism and all the publicity has done wonders for the programme's viewing
>> Big brother make it into the houses of parliament. Quite a bitting
reminder of main story. Our politicians in israel have called on the prime
minister and his defense minister to resign after the head of the armed forces
stood down over the lebanon conflict. The armed forces chief lieutenant said he
was taking responsibility for the mistakes that were made. The war in lebanon
last july claimed the lives of thousand lebanese and 160 israelis. This is bbc
world news. I'm kathy kay in washington.
>> Embly. More for you on bbcnews.Com. <

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